Hi, I'm Anks

I'm Software Developer that evolved from Quality Engineer with total 10+ years of experience in IT and its close surroundings. I mostly do Elixir and Ruby, but sometimes life is making me use JS or Python. Based in Poznań, Poland.
At some point, I might have had an account on every major website, because I wanted to try all the apps. The Internet is my life, also professionally – I majored in e-business (M.Sc: "Application of OpenId in e-administration" – yes, it was a thing in 2010, this is what ePUAP is about) and law (M.Sc. in software patents), I helped establish one of the first e-book stores in Poland (RIP), I used to click a lot on Facebook as a client support agent, and later started hunting for software bugs here and there. In 2020 I've finally switched my job to a full time backend developer, just before the lockdown. I've also dabbled in photography, doing some wedding and amateur gigs along the way. Mentoring people gives me fuel for existence.
In my free time I enjoy reading, watching movies, cycling (3 bikes in da house), running (love & hate relationship) and a random parade of handcraft stuff I got interested in over the years.